Followup, Thurs. July 1: Gad! Another 13-year anniversary! According to The NYT, "On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule after 156 years as a British colony." I don't really recall the publication of the HP book, nor do I remember when it really started to get traction. But I do remember the reversion of Hong Kong... I probably would have guessed it was before 9/11, but not much earlier. Speaking of which, 9 years already? Sheesh!
Fortunately, I was born old.
I played the Lita Ford song "Kiss Me Deadly" for a girl I know (ok, stripper I know) because she looks like a Runaways era Lita Ford. I said, "you probably weren't born when this came out in '84?" "Well," she says, "I was _born_."
Time does have a way of playing tricks and shifting.
We bought the first Harry Potter for our grandson who wasn't much of a reader -- he wasn't quite 10 -- and by the time the last one came out he was all grownup and drove to the bookstore to pick up his own copy.
While in all that time, his grandfather and I were still just the same age we were when the first one came out ;>)
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