Inches of snow Portland has seen this month as of late Thursday, according to the National Weather Service. That's the most in December since the state started keeping records in the 1880s.(From Oregon Live)
And according to the Mt Bachelor website (as of this writing), they have had 168 inches of snow this season. Less than two weeks ago, I was worried they might not have enough by Christmas; there were only 8 inches on the ground, and 18 are required to open. So 160 inches- over 13 feet- have fallen in the last two weeks or less. (In fairness, that has packed down to only 67 inches.)

I'll bet Corvallis has set a record too, though from what I saw on OSU webcams today, it didn't look like they had a white Christmas there.
And the Bend area is expecting more snow tonight. Hope we can get home safely Saturday.
Odd weather for Oregon. There was a guy complaining at the deli this afternoon that we were too unprepared. Unprepared? How often does this happen?
The snow's beautiful though. Although I won't miss it when it finally melts.
Wow! That is some snow! We never have snow like that! Last year we had a freak snowstorm where we had a foot here in ABQ, but that is super rare. It does (and is) snow(ing) up in the Northern mts pretty well.
No snow in the favorite-coffeeshop area, but it was pretty snowy up in the hills north of Corvallis where my parents live.
Hi, I couldn't help but notice looking on the Mt. Bachelor website just now, that the temperature is a cool -129 F at the summit. I think that is just a little peculiar, and might even beat Mt Washington back east in New Hampshire!
Anonymous- Wow! Thanks for pointing that out... just went and looked, and they are indeed reporting -129 as the summit temperature. The summit lift hadn't opened when we were over there; I doubt they will open it under those conditions. People don't enjoy skiing on dry ice! (CO2 sumblimates from gas to solid at -109)
Seriously, that sounds like something broke.
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