Factiousness aside, I've spent most of the last day catching up. Nothing has happened. Well, a war in Georgia- though I don't understand how the Russians got tanks to our southeast coast without anybody noticing. (If you read Pirarro today, you might want to put that Tour of Italy on hold.) And I guess the Chinese have taken the Gold in Olympic American Stabbing.- I don't follow sports and didn't even know this was an event, though I have to say I'm not really surprised. And let's see, I guess there was a great (unscheduled) fireworks display near Toronto, put on by a local propane supplier. It was right next to the airport and a oil refinery, and there as some talk initially that the show might have been sponsored by terrorists. But no, it was simply a gesture of corporate goodwill, or something. Not much going on.
So I went looking for stuff to make me laugh. I found a link to a great comic site, XKCD. Very geeky, nerdy. My kind of stuff. Lots of math gags, which is unusual in comics. Enjoy.

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