What a week! In addition to all the regular stuff, there was, of course, the eminently snarkable end of the world. If you've seen 2012, you know that that is fucking laughable.
Clay Bennett
Oh dear God... there oughtta be a law.
Skull Swap
God Hates Protesters
Sofa Pizza
BizarroBlogsee more
The Daily Whatsee more
Comixedsee more
So Much Punsee more
Lol Celebs
Tree Lobsterssee more
Gifs Savannah cat and fennec fox... so Cute!
see more
Very Demotivational
Dork Tower
Bits and Pieces
epic4chansee more
Funny Graphssee more
Lolcats and funny picturessee more
Lol Celebs
Peanutweetersee more
So Much PunBig Fat Blog
see more
Very Demotivational... Actually, what puzzles me is where in the Bible it says there's oxygen in space.
see more
Gifs "Diet Coke and Mentos: Together at Last."
Via Bits and Pieces
Calamities of Nature see more
Gifssee more
Gifs... Woah! That was a rush!
see more
Comixedsee more
The Daily What
Bits and Piecessee more
Lol Celebssee more
Very Demotivational
Tree Lobsters
Sober in a Nightclubsee more
Lolcats and funny pictures... as you wish...
see more
The Daily What
The Far Left Side
The Far Left Side
Clay Bennettsee more
Lol Celebs... seriously though, who doesn't?
The Daily What (click the pic to embiggen)

One from a very large set of funny signage at
Dark Roasted Blend
Fake Science
Sofa Pizza... the Charlie Brown of the Cretaceous
Sofa Pizza
The High Definite
epic4chansee more
Hacked IRL - Truth in Sarcasm
epic4chansee more
The Daily What. It's not a huge deal, but I do wish that captions could live up to first grade spelling standards.
Bits and Pieces
Bits and Pieces
Sober in a Nightclubsee more
Gifs. Betcha didn't know cats could fly, didja?
Cyanide and Happiness
Sober in a Nightclubsee more
Funny Graphs
Sober in a Nightclub
Sober in a Nightclubsee more
The Daily What
Just an Earth-Bound Misfit
One of a large collection of "rapture bombs" at
EpicPonyz, and another from the same set:

How many puppies can you count? I didn't even try.
Bits and Piecessee more
Cyanide and Happiness
What Would Jack Do?
The Daily What
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