Sober in a Nightclub
Texts From TNG
Tastefully Offensive
Sarah Andersen
Wil Wheaton
Fake Science
Poorly Drawn Lines
Happy Jar
Texts From TNG
"Physics." @SciencePorn
"Trying to make progress on my thesis project." What Should We Call Grad School?
Very Demotivational
Pie Comic
Plus four more "Don't Be a Twat" posters at Wil Wheaton's Tumblr
Bad Newspaper
Very Demotivational
The Gentleman's Armchair
Tastefully Offensive
A classic. Bits and Pieces
Texts From TNG
The Awkward Yeti
Beatrice the Biologist
Sofa Pizza
Are You Talking to Meme?
Anything Comic
Bad Newspaper
Spud Comics
Savage Chickens
Bits and Pieces
"The potatoes have escaped!" Cheezburger
"Monday morning coffee" Bits and Pieces
What Would Jack Do?
Add this to the list that includes, "If you laid all the blood vessels in your body end-to-end, you would die." Tastefully Offensive
This Modern World
There's nothing like a good laugh to get you through a rough time.