Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Geo 730: Feb. 25, Day 421: Guano Valley Fans

Looking to the north of Route 140, on the eastern scarp of Guano Valley, we see a pair of small alluvial fans. The rock looks like basalt from a distance, and in most cases wouldn't hesitate to identify it as such based on the photo. However, the outcrops I've looked at leave me a little confused, and I'm honestly not sure what kind of rock it is. We'll get to the main one I stop at soon...

Photo unmodified. August 19, 2011. FlashEarth Location (approximate).

1 comment:

  1. Man, you're taking me back to some of my favorite places in Oregon lately. Warner Valley and Guano Valley among them. Climbing Beaty Butte is on my bucket list.
