Wednesday, September 8, 2010

He's Pausing to See if Anyone Argues

Either that or he's mentally double-checking his arithmetic, and is on the verge of changing his mind.

Via What Would Jack Do? The "Stupid Math Tricks" label has never been more appropriate.


  1. They always told us he was a smart feller... or was that a fart smeller...

  2. Actually, he's probably pausing so that his audience can look at their fingers and count it out for themselves.

    (full disclosure: I did not, nor will I, watch the clip as Beck's voice makes me want to ... do things I aughtn't do.*)

    *hey, it's late and I'm getting tired. Best I could come up with.

  3. MB- If I'd ever heard that line before, I'd forgotten it. Ha!

    Bob- I understand completely, but this is wondrously surreal, and only 18 seconds long.

  4. Surely smart and fart are the same thing? (Oops, I used one of *those* words.)
