Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Funnies

Rockin' on down with some funnies...Blackadder
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
They're reloading! Blackadder
That's the point, isn't it? Criggo
The Daily What. I foresee a problem when an equine digestive system tries to deal with what a canine head eats.
Don't Judge My Hair
Cyanide and Happiness
Some Guy With A Website
This might actually work. Night Deposits.
I would sooooo love to hear Spock deliver that line... Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Guantanamo Bay is now open as a cruise destination. Oddly Specific
Criggo... That's not an important hatch, anyways.
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
epic fail pictures
see more Epic Fails

"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism." Sir William Osler, British (Canadian-born) physician (1849 - 1919) The Quotations Page

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Funniest Family Circus panel in... ever. Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
The Daily What
The Saturday Bulletin
funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures
Oddly Specific, and another from the same post, "Stickmen in Peril."Yeah, that'll help.
funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures
Keith Knight, via Pharyngula
Fox rushes to the defense of churches again. I have no idea what the back-story is here, nor do I want to. Probably Bad News.
Click to enlargify. Matt901 at Emptees.
funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
The electrocuted turkey cake. Jen at Cake Wrecks had a wonderfully, tearfully funny week of turkey cake fails. It's hard to choose just one. But in the interest of customer relations, here is the archive: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (slightly NSFW if your co-workers maintain puritanical standards) , and of course, today's Sunday Sweets, wherein she acknowledges that it's actually impossible to create a turkey cake that's not hilarious. (The above was from Wednesday's selections.)
Brown Sharpie... I'm ashamed to admit that many of these comics are so math-intense that I don't even get them.

OBJECTIVE: To be the best customer service type person you can ever find!


EXPEERENCES: I graduated in 2005! I treid to get into a college, but I decided that I didn’t really wanna do that. College is for people that aren’t self starters. I am a self starter.

SKILLS: I can type really good, like wicked fast! I can also text really fast! I can cook lots of stuff. I can sort of make coffee… accept I don’t know how to make creamer. I am really good at talking on the phone also.


EXPEERENCE: I worked at a day care center, a coffee shop at the mall and I was a waitress at Applebee’s.


HOPES: I would like to be making $40 an hour. I think that would be enough for dealing with customers. It would also help me pay my way through cosmetalogie school. I want to do hair one day. But before I get there, I would work for your company.

REFERENCES: you could call my dad or my mom. Also, my best friend Amy. She knows me really well. You could call my ex, but we ust broke up last weekend. He was cheating. Long story. Anywho, you could also call the people I babysat for last year… I don’t remember where they live or what they were called. There sons name is Aubi. That’s a wiered name, right? They were nice. They paid me 20 dallers, which wasn’t really enough, I don’t think. My science teacher last year was really nice. She would say some nice things, I’m sure. Everyone else, might say smoething bad. I would rather you nto talk to them.


Resume, Emails From Crazy People. Now runs a major financial company. And has no self-esteem problems whatsoever. Education WIN!
Engrish Funny
Cyanide and Happiness

"Keanu Reeves out-acted by Legos." Via BuzzFeed.
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
joe biden and barack obama
see more Political Pictures. It's interesting to consider that with the exception of Dick Cheney, every VP I can recall from my life (Hubert Humphrey on) has been portrayed as something of a putz. Given the apparent alternative, I'll settle for putz.
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
I Hate My Parents
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I have officially stopped paying attention to any, any, I tell you, nutritional advice in the MSM. Criggo
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Feline angst. Skull Swap.
This has been all over the place, but it's still pretty funny: "193% is the new 100%" Probably Bad News.
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Star Wars FaceBook Update (screen capture of one of five at CollegeHumor)
Via The Daily What.
Is this an endorsement or something? Sarah Palin autographed a portrait of Saddam Hussein. From BuzzFeed.
Two of her balls have ruptured, but it's okay: she still has three, and a fourth is pending. Don't Judge My Hair.
Fractions are hard. Probably Bad News.
In order to save space in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this was shortened to "Don't Panic." Blackadder.
We have many of these in Oregon, but I've never seen one labeled as such. Blackadder.
"Thin Ice", by Clay Bennett at The Chattanooga Times Free Press.
News for all those who failed 2nd grade... Criggo.
Skull Swap: "Jerry Seinfeld has been training to whip your ass..."
vladimir putin
see more Political Pictures
Funny, but the philosophical problem with this is that it would be relatively easy to actually add a monkey dressed as Hitler to the imagined situation, and then it would no longer be fiction. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.
What to do with those pesky Easter left-overs: Sweet Peep-tato Pie... Sweet potato pie topped with marshmallow Peeps. From This is Why You're Fat.
william shatner and red shirts
see more Lol Celebs
Above and below, evidence that not only are Xrazy Xristians illiterate, they're inumerate as well. Both from Criggo.

From ReBecca Hunt-Foster's Shared Items


  1. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it, and hope it helped you forget your illness for a bit.
