Before it closed, the Dow recovered about half of the value it had lost through the earlier part of the day. So it was essentially 600 points lower than when Shrub took office on January 20, 2001. But of course, the fundamentals of our economy are still strong... interesting word, that. My sense is that the root, fundament, originally meant "foundation." Now its first meaning on several sites I looked over is: 1. a. The buttocks. b. The anus. Other meanings are:
2. The natural features of a land surface unaltered by humans.
3. A foundation, as of a building.
4. An underlying theoretical basis or principle.
(From here, but google it, and I think you'll find that "buttocks" is the first definition at most sites.)
So "The fundamentals of our economy are still strong" is just another way of saying that the @$$e$ that run Wall Street are still doing just fine, thanks. And the title of this post is just another way of saying that anyone who would make such a statement is talking out of his/her fundament.
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